Artists Prepare for Show in Ben Wheeler

By Edward H. Garcia Bill Faulkner sets up his video by the side of a narrow street in Callender Lake and focuses it on Don Hollis who is kneeling by a patch of sand and clay, trowel in hand.  As Bill makes final adjustments to tape Don harvesting “Callender Lake...

Reading Trollope on an iPod

By Edward H. Garcia For the past few weeks I have been reading Anthony Trollope’s Barchester Towers on my iPod Touch. An iPod Touch is essentially an iPhone without the phone.  The one I have, last year’s model, also lacks a camera, but otherwise it shares most of the...

On Culverts and Best Laid Plans

By Edward H. Garcia We see them all the time around Callender Lake — a young couple, often with a couple of kids “helping out” clearing a newly-acquired lot.  They’ll come on weekends for a few months, working on their land and probably dreaming of what...

Everything I Know About Relationships I Learned from Vines

By Edward H. Garcia My wife and I have been clearing parts of our property in Callender Lake.  We live off the lake and have several acre lots around us—lots of privacy and lots of brush.  Every winter we like to get out and push back against Nature and expand what we...
Culture Shock

Culture Shock

By P.A. Geddie Walking through the fields and trees alongside the Neches River in the southeast corner of Van Zandt County you can almost hear the battle cries, the gunshots, the horses’ hoofs pounding on the grass and dirt, sloshing through the river, and women and...