The 2024 Tyler Film Festival, presented by Dobbs & Porter, brought together a diverse array of filmmakers and cinephiles during the three-day event at Liberty Hall September 12-14. The festival premiered 25 short films from over eight countries with various genres, including documentaries, stop-animation, dramas, comedies and more.

“The films that won awards this year impressed our judges with their meticulous attention to every aspect of filmmaking, resulting in masterful storytelling,” said Craig O’Daniel, festival director and judge. “We genuinely thank the teams for submitting their work and giving our little festival a worldwide showcase.”


Jury Award/Best of the Festival – A Summer’s End Poem directed by Lam Can-Zhao

Best Student Film – Life is Like a Play directed by Olivia Carter

Best Cinematography – 5/3/0 directed by Danilo Stanimirović

Best Actress – Dostana Nikolić in 5/3/0

Best Actors – The cast of The Word

Best Young Actor – Julien Savallos in Life is Like a Play

Film with the Biggest Heart – First & Last directed by DeAndra Mechelle Frost

Funniest of the Fest – The Word directed by Rob M Neilson

Audience Favorite – First & Last directed by DeAndra Mechelle Frost

The 2024 Tyler Film Festival was sponsored by Dobbs & Porter, Sharon and James Wynne, True Vine Brewing, CBS19, Heart of Tyler, Visit Tyler and the Texas Film Commission.

Submissions open for the 2025 Tyler Film Festival on October 1. More information is available at