BLOOM returns to Winnsboro for its third year this spring with immersive floral art experiences. Visitors are invited to celebrate the season with art, music, and nature-inspired activities in and around the Bowery Pedestrian Park in historic downtown Winnsboro.

The seasonal event was created by Dallas/Winnsboro artist Chris Brown, an East Texas native recognized as Best Floral Designer by D Magazine in 2003. Brown, co-owner of downtown Winnsboro’s Modern Country Living, an art gallery and boutique, envisioned BLOOM as a way to unite art and nature.

“BLOOM celebrates renewal, creativity and the beauty of the changing seasons,” Brown says. “And Winnsboro, with its rolling hills, pine forests and thriving cultural arts district, provides the perfect setting for this artistic awakening.”

Downtown Winnsboro is a state designated Texas Cultural District with Winnsboro Center for the Arts (WCA) playing a key role in bringing cultural programming, exhibitions, and entertainment to Winnsboro and East Texas.

“We are proud of our town’s reputation as a flourishing arts destination,” said Mary White, acting executive director of WCA. “This event is just one of many offered throughout the year by WCA that brings our community together, celebrates creative expression, and supports Texas artists.”

The current schedule of events is as follows:

March 26-May 17
BLOOM Art Exhibition. WCA features BLOOM, an art exhibition with floral and spring-themed artwork of approximately 30 artists, including still life paintings, photography, sculptures, and mixed media pieces. WCA gallery is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday.

April 5-12
Tournament of Windows. A showcase of floral-inspired storefronts transform Winnsboro’s downtown streets into an art gallery as local businesses partner with artists to craft displays in shop windows. Voting for favorites is a popular activity. Visitors pick up a Tournament of Windows packet at WCA for just $5. Each packet includes voting instructions, a map of participating shops and restaurants, a raffle ticket for a BLOOM gift basket, a package of East Texas flower seeds, and exclusive store and restaurant coupons. The storefront art displays continue throughout the month of April.

April 5, 12, and 26
Live Music & Art Walks. Guests enjoy street musicians and free curated art walks through downtown cultural spaces on three Saturdays during the month.

Every Saturday Beginning April 5
Winnsboro’s award-winning farmers’ market is open from 8 a.m. to noon in the market pavilions on Carnegie Street. Find local produce, handmade crafts, and fresh cut flowers.

April 26
Through the Looking Glass. BLOOM culminates in a special event from 6-8 p.m. at WCA. Through the Looking Glass is an Alice in Wonderland-inspired evening featuring a buffet, cocktails, a wine pull, and a silent art auction featuring exhibited works by local and regional artists. Tickets are $25.

Other events taking place at WCA this spring include a play, The Glass Menagerie, with performances on March 28-30 and April 4-6; a concert by GRAMMY nominated songwriter John Fullbright at 7:30 p.m. April 12; Festival of Books May 2-3, and numerous classes and workshops for all ages.

Restaurants and other eateries are offering limited-time, spring-inspired menu items. Other popular activities in Winnsboro include the American Pop Culture-themed Eagle’s Nest Mini Golf and the Winnsboro Murals Walking Tour. Get all the details for more Winnsboro fun on including overnight lodging.

For updated schedules, artist announcements, ticket purchases, and additional details on BLOOM and other WCA activities, visit

Winnsboro Center for the Arts is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit multi-disciplinary arts center. WCA is supported in part by grants from the Texas Commission on the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts. Winnsboro’s Cultural District is recognized by the Texas Commission on the Arts for its vibrant arts scene. Winnsboro is also recognized by the National Trust for Historic Preservation as part of the Texas Main Street Program for its successful downtown revitalization.